Blom-Singer® Laryngectomy Tubes (Sterile) are durable, lightweight silicone tubes that are used to keep the tracheostoma open after laryngectomy. The tubes do not hold an HME or other attachments.
Tracheostomy Tube Holder/Collar. Marpac Tracheostomy Tube Holder/Collar is a single use, disposable Comfortable Collar™ used to secure the tracheostomy tube.
Kapitex® Trachi-Swab
The Post-Operative Care Kits are designed to provide Post-Op Total Laryngectomy patients a transition to home care while addressing pulmonary and voicing rehabilitation
Blom-Singer® StomaSoft® Laryngectomy Tubes are flexible, soft, and compatible with HME and other accessories from InHealth Technologies®.